Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lessons in Potty Training

Funny because it's true.
I'm convinced that my children are trying to make me insane one marble at a time. I'm in the middle of potty training my youngest daughter Ann. I thought I was done, but she got herself all kinds of constipated and we are having pooping problems. As in, she likes to poop anywhere but the potty. This weekend, my kids were allegedly napping in their room. When Leigh comes running into the family room and announces that Ann pooped on her dresser. I took the camera since I've decided that this must be a moment that I'll find funny one day. Maybe. Doubtful. Oh yeah, that's right, I'm going to torture Ann with this story for YEARS to come! (insert evil laugh here)

I cannot believe that my daughter decided to climb up on the dresser and pooped instead of going in the potty! Well that's not true, I can totally believe it, I'm not even all the surprised by it in reality. But it makes me nuts all the same.
I'm not really sure if I'm doing the right thing with her accidents. I just take her to the bathroom and tell her that she needs to go on the potty. It's not really sinking in though, but I know from experience that you cannot force these things. You can try every potty training method under the sun and a kid will still refuse to potty train if they're not ready. In fact, it can make it worse to try to force the issue. And I can choose between yelling and giving myself a heart attack or being calm and acting like it doesn't bother me all while yelling/screaming/and throwing a tantrum on the inside.

Today lets see if we can make mom go completely bat shit crazy k. We were so close yesterday!
So keep it up kid, you're giving me material to tease and torment you with for the rest of your life. The good news is that I get to do this another time with my son. Hopefully by then I'll be an expert at potty training. (If that doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what will.) 

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